Monday, September 13, 2010

Feeling lucky?

I've been meaning to let you know about this, and now time is limited for you to win! For the month of September only I am showing the Brooktondale Community Center Apple Festival Raffle Quilt (pic attached). The Center provides wonderful services for the Brooktondale rural community, including free giveaways of food, clothing and more. You can help support this work, and maybe get lucky enough to be the winner of this beautiful piece! $1 buys you one chance, $5 buys you 6 chances. It is king size, and made by local quilters. The drawing is October 16, but I'll only have it for you to see for the next couple of weekends. Feeling lucky? Visit the Sink! (You might get lucky in other ways while you're here!--Stop, Oh!I didn't mean it like that!)